The Blair Pug Project: A Vet Student’s Hysterical Synopsis of Trimming a Pug’s Nails

Trimming nails on your Pug is not always a fun job. Some pugs are reluctant, even terrified of getting their nails trimmed.

Some even starts screaming, yelping, and moving around constantly. You fight tooth and nails (no pun intended) to get their nails cut… the ultimate challenge of grit and persistence.

Have you ever experienced the pleasure of trimming a pug's (or any reluctant dog's / animal's) nails?

Well, this 2nd year veterinary student, Roberta who's studying at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University sure can relate!

Check out her hysterical synopsis of trimming a pug's nails on the next page:

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1,958 thoughts on “The Blair Pug Project: A Vet Student’s Hysterical Synopsis of Trimming a Pug’s Nails

  1. And that’s why I live my groomer. She can get 3 nail trims (2 of which are pugs) in under 20 min, and must be the pug whisperer because they stay completely clam for her. I get a fight trying to get a goat head out of a paw

  2. Well I have two English bulldogs and neither of them like to have their nails trimmed. When we go in it takes at least two to hold and one other to trim, while I stand at their heads and give them moral support. It’s just so silly. If they weren’t bulldogs, I would have them put out for the procedure.

  3. I’m lucky that Dog doesn’t make any yell & screech. He does fight me though, so I usually only cut 2-3 nails per session. “You haven’t died from this, not even once!”

  4. Beyond accurate. I used to try cutting presley’s nails by myself when I was younger and I’d be covered in her fur and have a few scratch marks on both arms and legs.
    I now take her to the vet haha

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