Meet Fox Dog, A Pomeranian-Husky Mix Who Is Taking The Internet By Storm (12 Pics)
If you think that this beautiful creature is a fox, think again. Nor is it a fire-type Pokémon or the fox from the Mozilla Firefox icon. It’s a Pomsky. Called…
If you think that this beautiful creature is a fox, think again. Nor is it a fire-type Pokémon or the fox from the Mozilla Firefox icon. It’s a Pomsky. Called…
An Arctic fox that got into a life and death situation is safe thanks to the help of a crab fishing crew. Alan Russell, Mallory Harrigan and her boyfriend Cliff…
Juniper the fox became an Internet sensation after she confused a white bed sheet with snow. The happy pet fox won many people’s hearts with her playful antics and sweet smile.…
Juniper is a pet red fox dubbed the “world’s happiest fox” and although she’s domesticated, she’s still got a lot of her wild instincts. For example, when her human put…
This footage of a wild red fox hunting in the deep snow is fascinating! How he detects and catches the mice hiding under 3 feet of snow is even more…
A woman in Israel has known this friendly fox for a while, and the beautiful creature takes food right from her hand. But over the spring, the vixen had a…
Not all animals are fit to live in the wild. Actually, some do better living along side humans. Here’s a story about Pudding, a fox cub, who was too tame…
Meet Blakely, the Australian shepherd who mothers orphaned baby animals at the Cincinnati Zoo (too cute, we know). This patient rescue pup shows baby cheetahs, wallabies, foxes and the occasional…