What He Did To Mend His Girlfriend’s Crushed Heart Is So Touching!

A man surprises his girlfriend with a new pug puppy after the loss of her 10 year old beagle.

Apparently, she had to put down her beagle, B.B., after finding out that he had a heart tumor and was heart-broken over it.. and crying for a long time.

What a great job he's done! Definitely made it easier for his girlfriend!

What I love most about this video is the boyfriend's laughter behind the camera. He knows she is happy, which makes him happy. That is so awesome.

Check out the heartwarming and touching video on the next page:

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419 thoughts on “What He Did To Mend His Girlfriend’s Crushed Heart Is So Touching!

  1. Sorry but I don’t agree with this. Getting her a new puppy the same day she lost her other!? She hasn’t had time to grieve. Don’t get me wrong a new puppy is a wonderful gift but when you are emotionally stable enough to let go of your grief and love another without risk of putting that grief on to them. It’s a puppy not a chocolate bar or tub of ice cream to cry over.

  2. Really he bought a pet going against the theme of animal loss, with all those dumped pets at shelters he should have thoughtfully adopted one to save a life by doing this he essentially put to sleep countless abandoned pets.

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