7 Tips To Remember When Taking Your Dog Out For Summer

5. Stay Hydrated

Pack extra water for your dog on any excursion and make sure your dog’s water bowl is always filled and close by to ensure they don’t become dehydrated.

Try and prevent your dog from drinking from stagnant puddles and stagnant creek or pond water as they can contain parasites and harmful bacteria such as leptospirosis. Lepto can have serious consequences if left untreated. Giardiasis, popularly known as beaver fever is a common infection dogs can get from contaminated water. The parasite is spread by the urine or fecal matter of infected animals (usually wild animals) contaminating the water (same as with lepto). It can causes unpleasant intestinal infections, so it is better to pack along drinking water for your dog if you plan on going on a hike or outdoor adventure.


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