Dad’s bedtime routine with his stubborn Bull Mastiff pup will have you in stitches

It’s time for bed, but this stubborn Bull Mastiff puppy refuses to go and puts up quite the fight! You can’t help but laugh at dad’s struggles… 😂

294 thoughts on “Dad’s bedtime routine with his stubborn Bull Mastiff pup will have you in stitches

  1. l don’t believe in putting animals in cages like that , what happens if there is a fire in the night , the dog would die in the fire . No need for any cages unless the animal is in danger and you are trying to protect them .

  2. Firstly the guy is going to damage is back the ergonomics are wrong. Secondly, think the dog needs to be seen by a behaviour therapist as it clearly is scared. Tail low and between his legs doesn’t bode well and maybe has issues / fears of the crate. Now don’t jump on the band wagon, ‘caging’ is safe but this dog has issues

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