Abused Dog Wakes Rescuer Up In The Middle Of The Night To Say “Thank You”

Niya had a sad, unfair start in life. She was severely abused and then abandoned. Thankfully, she ended up in Gibson County Animal Shelter in Trenton, Tennessee. Animal shelters can be terrifying places but it beats being in a home with an abuser or starving on the streets.

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Even though Niya was safe, she was deeply depressed. She was also terrified of everything! Then an angel named Kimberley Slown came into her life. She saw Niya and knew she had to help her. Slown worked with Arrow Dog Rescue, a wonderful organization that works to rehabilitate and rehome dogs into forever families. Slown knew that Niya needed help and it couldn’t wait another minute!

The poor dog had a large gash above her eye and one on her nose. The one on her nose was most likely from a tin can being used as a muzzle. When Slown came to pick Niya up from the shelter, she wouldn’t move so she had to be carried into her car. Niya kept her tail between her legs the entire time 🙁

As soon as she arrived at Slown’s house, she laid in a corner and went to sleep. She slept all day and night and when she woke up, she still wouldn’t move because she was too scared to interact with anyone. It was completely heartbreaking.

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Then, the next night, something INCREDIBLE happened. Slown was sleeping when suddenly she felt hot breath on her hand. It was Niya!

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“She just breathed into my hand and I woke up and immediately paid attention to her, petting her and talking to her,” Slown told The Dodo. ” She smiled and leaned in.”

After a few minutes, Niya walked away but then moments later, Niya came back and leaned in again to thank her rescuer. “It was overwhelming. I was crying.” Slown recalled.

The dog that couldn’t trust a soul was beginning to see that there’s hope, that a good life is possible! And she knew exactly who to say “Thank you” to.

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Now all Niya has to do is heal!

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