Dad Proudly Builds Fence For His Dog, But The Dog Decides To Hilariously Test It Out

If dogs are man’s best friend then why do they have to do stuff like this?!

No, seriously. Dogs have a way of pushing our buttons where we want to laugh and cry at the same time. But we love them so much anyway. This seems to be a familiar pattern as a parent to humans as well. Hmmm.

How could anyone not consider their dogs their kids? Absurd! A nice man who is obviously a very good pet-parent goes out of his way to ensure his dog, Stella, is safe at all times.

He repairs their wooden fence outside like a champ! He’s so proud of his accomplishment that he films it, ready to post to his social media page. But then something happened he least expected.

I won’t give it away. That would be cruel. But I will say, again, that dogs really know JUST HOW TO PUSH OUR BUTTONS. I am sure this man laughed and cried but then in the end realized he loves Stella no matter what she does. Gotta love that!

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