She spills warm water over his skin. When the camera pans back? I was left Speechless

During a trip to the remote area in Cozumel, Mexico the IFAW team came upon a stray dog covered in used motor oil and little more than skin and bones.

He was starving and scavenging for anything to eat. With the help of IFAW’s local partner, the Humane Society of Cozumel Island (HSCI), they took the dog they fondly named Coconut in for immediate care.

Coconut only knew what it felt like to be ignored, to starve, and to be cast aside.

But when he was rescued, one of the saviors on the team realized something for which Coconut had been waiting his entire life.

She said, “The split second I saw him, I knew I loved him and wanted him in my life.”

The woman decided right there on the spot that Coconut belonged to her and her family. As she fell in love with Coconut, however, she also mentally prepared for him to die. It didn’t look good.

Back at the vet, Coconut tested positive for heartworm. But soon, he was on his way to recovery.

After a nice bath, a haircut, and a manicure, Coconut made a transformation you have to see to believe. His fur is shiny and clean, and his outside finally matched his beautiful inside.

Now, after so many dark days, Coconut’s living the life in Mexico. He’s finally surrounded by a loving family and never has to go hungry again.

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