Being in the military takes a lot of strength, bravery and true grit.
Some soldiers are away from their loved ones for months and sometimes even years at a time.
When they finally return home, some suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which affects their daily life.
There are many different ways to cope with PTSD. Some people take medications, others go to therapy, but one special way to cope is with the help of a service dog.
Source: Youtube/OWN
Service dogs, like this Yellow Labrador named Pax, help people with PTSD get through life one day at a time. They are there as a support system and to help these people feel whole again.
47-year-old veteran Sgt. Bill Campbell suffers from PTSD, memory loss, and has a major fear of crowds. But when he received Pax as his service dog, his whole life changed.
Having a dog by his side has helped him cope with the horrible effects of war and has made his day-to-day life bearable again.
The two of them share a very special bond that Bill is forever grateful for.
If it weren’t for Pax’s trainer, Bill might not be where he is today, so he wanted to find her and thank her personally. Pax’s trainer was a woman named. . . >>Click To Continue Reading This Story. . .