Smart Dog Keeps Freeing Puppy From Her Kennel When Mom Isn’t Watching

After setting up a video camera, Julie Taylor figured out how her her Maltese puppy, Sofie, kept escaping from her kennel! And the reason is so sweet!

“I recorded this to make sure that I wasn’t forgetting to latch Sophie’s kennel after I stuck her in it – I kept noticing her running around with our German Shepherd Twitch soon after I would stick her in it”, she explained. “Turns out, I was latching it…”

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this video with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

69 thoughts on “Smart Dog Keeps Freeing Puppy From Her Kennel When Mom Isn’t Watching

  1. Why put it in the dark with a blanket ???Good on the other dog for letting it out, I hate cages anyway,bought one to protect my chi/pom puppy from the other dogs, she went balistic,, tried it twice could not do it, rather train her loose she has been very little ,trouble ,asked to go out in a very short time,it is tiring but the kindest way,and I am 78, The cage is now for sale for some other poor dog !!

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