Effie is a 3 month old Blue Sable and Tan French Bulldog.
She looks like she was woken up by his human a teeny bit too early this day…
She's struggling to stay awake in the car as she goes for a Sunday morning drive with her daddy to get a coffee.
Looks like she could use a cup as well! (well, not really… you should never let your dog near coffee or any form of caffeine!)
Anyhoo, watch the video on the next page as adorable Effie the French Bulldog struggles to stay awake:
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Mary Fisher
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Rohm @[100008117805171:2048:Rōhm Robert] @[70602724:2048:Sarah E. Fisher]
Rōhm Robert
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So cute
Dan Yee
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@[772345622:2048:Stephanie Madonis]
Mammy Robert
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What a little sweetie!
Kaylee Nies
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Tony Nies
Kristin Steffens
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Too cute!! I’ve become an obsessed frenchie mom lol
Anne Michelle
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Dustin Miedema
Mathew Atherton
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Karen Dillon-Gibbons
Mj Maerkl
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Devin Gawera
Danielle Calamia
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I’m ready for frenchie #2, my baby needs a sibling! They’re so addicting!!!!!
Devin Gawera
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Awww that’s LITERALLY my little dream puppyy
Karlee Ballestrasse
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Franco Simone omg
Collin Guillet
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Lilli Rose
Shir Alhanati
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So beautiful
Taryn Davis
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Ashley John
Will Mcfly
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Danielle Neal Mcfly
Rick Holzer
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James Lester
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Jaclyn Fellows
Colleen Gulla
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Mike Gulla
Maria Sofronidis
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Jess Macri
Anneke Eijkman
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Ltcol Paw Davison
Emma Hanley
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Ohh that so is cxc
James Faries
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Tony Singh
Nora Gardner
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Truk Rendrag
Hector Fabio Mendez
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Cheryl Slark
Ben Elliott
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Victoria Boland
Gabriella Knights
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Josh Butler
Monique Owen
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Nick Tookey I wish I was this cute when sleepy
Kendra Vandenakker Alcock
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Carter Alcock
Raymond Tobin
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Meagan Johnson
Renee Targett
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Bojana Mali
Amanda Britton
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Nok John
Olivia Leal
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Melissa Maria awww!!!
Jenny Hojnacki
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She does look so much like her haha
Trent Taylor
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Erin Bosanquet
Adam Gill
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Kristy Gill – he is like a little alien! Look at those ears…
Tara Pereira
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Derek Pereira
Derek Pereira
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Def Rocco!
Caitlin Collings
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James O’connor
Brenda Wadhwani
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This is adorable!!
Raemi Poitras
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My Fiona does this too, so cute
Nige Louvain Wilding
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Jamie Jones xx
Paülie Tomás
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Emanuel Martins Gatos ears!!!!
Danny Walters
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Gemma Gallagher
Sarah Graham
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Jodie Bray
Dylan O'Connor
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Brooke Howard I imagine this was you today!
Louise Berrymam
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Dawn Roach
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Jamie Roach looks just like ours x
Sue Martin
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These boys r bad boys, love em,xx
Jeffrey M. Sullivan
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Molly Sullivan