Baby Is So Sleepy – But It’s The Dog’s Reaction That Made Mom Run For The Camera

This hilarious pet dog was waiting for the inevitable while watching the sleepy baby try his hardest to avoid bedtime. The sweet little boy knelt to the floor close by his best friend, his pet, and began shutting his eyes.

In a quick moment, he snapped out of it, peeling his eyes open as hard as he could, but it was barely working. Wanting to stay awake, with sleep pulling him in the other direction, it was a fight he was losing the strength for.

He began to sway back and forth due to the draining energy a long day of hard-working play can result in. Could he keep his eyes upon long enough to stay awake?

The struggle continued, but the dog was faithful to keeping his eye on the little boy. The little boy looked very unsteady, and at any moment could fall to the floor.

Like a loving friend, he stayed right by the baby's side because he knew what might happen next. The most loving pets, like this amazing dog, find their own special way of giving back when us humans least expect it.

We feed them, take them for walks, and play fetch. This little boy loves to show the dog plenty of attention, even until his last waking moment, and that's when this dog wanted to repay the love.

The sweetest thing happens when baby finally gives into sleep. He starts falling, but how the dog has his back is nothing short of amazing.

While some animals would run away at the sight of a baby lurching forward in their direction, watch what this loving dog does below.

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