15 Signs You’re A Crazy Boston Terrier Person… and Damn Proud To Be!

Ever wonder if your obsession with your boston terrier is healthy or if you may in fact be veering into crazy territory?

Well let's just say if more than a few of these points apply to you… then there’s straight up no denying that you are indeed a crazy boston terrier person!

1. Your refer to your boston terrier as your baby and to yourself as their ‘mom' or ‘dad'.

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2. Things that are normally for human children are now completely normal for your boston terriers as well…

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3. …because you consider your boston terrier your child… an integral member of your family, not just your ‘pet'.

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4. No matter where you are, no matter what streets you have to cross, if you see a boston terrier you MUST say hello to him.

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5. Boston terriers flock to you as if they innately understand that you are a crazy boston terrier person.

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Move On To The Next Page For More Signs You're A Crazy Boston Terrier Person!

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1,153 thoughts on “15 Signs You’re A Crazy Boston Terrier Person… and Damn Proud To Be!

  1. Yep! But I won’t have another. I am 62 and I don’t want to risk my Boston outliving me and having no one to take care of him. I will rescue a senior if I can, and keep on rescuing them. I am a good Dogmom and I think my Yogi would be glad that I did something like that to honor him. He would not want me to be alone, that is for sure.

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