Shoppers See a Dog Alone Outside Target, with the Sign “Waiting”

The older a dog is, the harder it is to be adopted. As shelter dogs age, the chances of finding a family and a forever home become more slim.

A lot of people want puppies when adopting a dog. The younger the puppy is, the easier it is to train them and you get to spend more time with the dog as it grows.

Jackson, the Golden Retriever, sits patiently outside a busy Target store waiting for his owner to return. Adopted from an animal shelter less than a month ago, the 3-year old Golden Retriever has been training every day.

He visits local high-traffic locations to practice ignoring distractions while his owner hides just out of sight and keeps an eye on him.

Watch the video below!

128 thoughts on “Shoppers See a Dog Alone Outside Target, with the Sign “Waiting”

  1. I could never leave my dog out like that. At the end of the day, no matter how well the dog is trained he is still an animal and distractions can occur or someone could rush up and snatch him. Just ask Seigfried and Roy.

  2. GR Dogs would have to the best dogs as far as intelligence and the love ❤️ they give are next to none. My GR was the easy to train in fact lots of times she just knew what to do with out being told

  3. Yes old dogs especially, they gave all there love to there families only to be put out on the street when they get old ,maybe we should put these people out on the street when they get old and there families don’t want them anymore

  4. Personally, I think that is extremely irresponsible! Somebody could take him, there could be some kind of accident, etc. You should never leave a dog unattended like that! Plus most cities have a leash law so I don’t see how that could be legal to do.

  5. My only problem with my old dogs is that they die on me. Our first Black Lab made it to 13, our second to 15, our third to 13 as well. We currently have an almost 11 year old Black, and recently adopted an almost 10 year old Chocolate. We could use an ‘old yeller’ to complete the set.

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