16 Powerful Photos of Service Dogs That Highlight Their Unconditional Loyalty

6. After their long day of training, this dog Queena is providing his owner Naresh Kaushik with lots of hugs, kisses and love.

Source: boredpanda.com

7. This adorable pup is a pure bundle of joy, love and soon-to-be protector. Any soldier would be lucky to have this perfect fuzzy companion.

Source: boredpanda.com

8. They’ll appreciate your love with their entire being and return it by tenfold.

Source: boredpanda.com

9. Dogs will love you no matter who you are, what you’ve done and what you’ve been through. They are 0% judgement and 100% love.

Source: boredpanda.com

10. Even during the downsides of life, they’ll remind you to enjoy the little things in life.

Source: boredpanda.com

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