When Ralf the giant Schnauzer makes his rounds at the Royal Children't Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, he is sure to give patients… hospital children… a new leash of life.
With his shaggy coat and floppy tongue, the dog has gained a reputation as something of a miracle worker since joining the hospital.
The selfless pooch walks the wards and looks in on his young patients every Monday. He even sits with some during grueling chemo therapy sessions.
Check out the full story of the amazing dog, Ralf the giant Schnauzer who helps children to walk as he does his hospital rounds on the next page!
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Michael Keller
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Christina de Wet
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Too beautifull.
Sarah Dawson
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Lesley Stewart
Liv Curry
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Deborah Curry
Lesley Stewart
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Can you imagine!!
Claudia Gilbert
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Annabelle Gilbert
Debbie Cupp
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If people loved people like animals love love people this would be a much better place!
David Pierre Pillon
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Lynette Zammit Conroy
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Kurt Conroy Mark Conroy
Pam Shaffer Scarbrough
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Love this.
Kimberly Jo Trask Mullen
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They sure do….awesome companion dogs too❣️
They are great for everyone♥️
Cheryl Mick Elliott
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Love my schnauzer ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cintia Spinelli
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Claudia Falrene De Castro Loss
Catherine Tod
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Beautiful xox
Michelle Stoppani
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The best!
Karen Scott Bunnell
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Jennifer Isom
Mardel Maltais
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Crystal Younker
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Jazmyn Feltz ❤️❤️❤️
Mark J. Franklin
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What do you think my Gadget was since 1988? Granted, he died in 2003, but I still reap the benefits of my friendship with that awesome pup!!
Nori Schnauz
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That is true
Vickie Reese
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Frank-Susan Ragsdale
Craig Clifton
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I’m still benefitting from my childhood pet nearly 30 years after we got him!!! 😀
Mardel Maltais
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Love this story!!! ❤️
Carlos Eduardo Bekerman
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Antoine Abd!!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Lauren Jones
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Katy Claggett we could add our giant schnauzers to our dream team!!!
Katy Claggett
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Craig Clifton
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Gadget wasn’t officially one, but he did help me through many years of hell. Though he’s been gone for about 14 years or so, I am STILL reaping the benefits of having had him in my life for almost 15 years. BEST DOG EVER.
Jill Morrison Mortenson
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Loghan Mortenson
Susan Haney
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Love Schnauzers big are small.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Mike Van Ditto
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Gotta love the expression on the kid.