A Heartless Hunter Broke His Back & Left Him In A Field To Writher In Agony

A hunter broke this innocent dog’s back, then abandoned him on the fields to suffer and die alone.

Thankfully, this wasn’t the end for poor Scotty. He was rescued by Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers who rushed him to their clinic.

Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

Scotty was in bad shape. Due to his broken back, he was unable to walk or stand up. He could only get around by crawling, and he was in a lot of pain.

But despite the pain, Scotty remained strong and still had so much will to live.

Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

The vet performed surgery on Scotty for nearly four hours to fix his back. After a successful surgery, he had to go through rehabilitation and learn how to walk again.

His rescuers worked with him day in and day out until he was finally strong enough to walk with a wheelchair.

Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

Today, Scotty can walk and run just like any other dog, with the help of his wheelchair. He never let his painful past slow him down!

Watch his journey in the video below:

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