They Search Jailed Drug Dealer’s Home After Weeks & Find The Puppies He Abused

Florida rescue group “Angelico Cat Rescue” was informed about 2 puppies who were rotting away in the backyard of a drug dealer.

The drug dealer had been arrested and jailed weeks ago, while his starving 3-month-old puppies remained unattended in a filthy cage in his backyard.

Source: KarenAnnGera/Rumble

When the rescuers arrived at the property, they found the puppies soaked in their own waste after lying in the feces-covered cage for weeks.

They were sick and delirious and needed immediate medical attention. But the drug dealer’s father, who was also the homeowner, refused to give up the dying puppies.

In desperation, the rescuers begged and pleaded the homeowner to surrender the puppies. He finally consented, and the puppies were immediately rushed to the hospital.

Rescuers named the puppies Sara and Ingrid, and desperately hoped that the pair would pull through.

Source: KarenAnnGera/Rumble

While Ingrid was quick to recover, Sara’s condition didn’t look so promising even after receiving 2 blood transfusions.

Her belly was covered in a film of feces and filth, which caused many infections. She had hookworm, and her emaciated and anemic state worsened her recovery.

Source: KarenAnnGera/Rumble

But after weeks of treatment, Sara was finally able to defeat her illness! The shelter has updated that both the puppies were able to find forever homes shortly after their recovery.

The puppies are happy and are growing up into gorgeous, loving dogs!

Click the video below to watch Sara and Ingrid’s heartbreaking rescue and their uplifting recovery!

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