She Stares Into The Eyes Of A Dying Dog. What Follows Seconds Later Is A Miracle!

There’s no limit to human cruelty, but on the contrary, humans have the ability to be the biggest, best, and most amazing ‘creatures’ in the entire universe.

Rescue from the Hart was contacted about a severely abused dog…

For months, someone had purposely starved her to the brink of death. Her organs had begun shutting down. She was dying…

She needed a miracle to survive. But we made a promise not to give up on her. They named her Angel.

So here’s what happened…

What do you think ?

482 thoughts on “She Stares Into The Eyes Of A Dying Dog. What Follows Seconds Later Is A Miracle!

  1. The amount of abuse that some poor animals go through is beyond belief…I volunteer at a Pug rescue, what I have seen and heard about, just breaks my heart. Thank all the wonderful people who brought this dog back from deaths door!!! If I had to pick a species to live with until I die, it would not be humans…people are simply awful!!!

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