This Rare Silver Pug Puppy Growing Up Will Melt Your Heart!

Lots of people still believe that there can only be two colors for a pug… fawn or black. But, pugs hold a few more colors than that… some common and some rather rare.

Depending on which organizations you talk to, pugs can have as many as five colors. According to the AKC (American Kennel Club), they recognize five colors: fawn, silver fawn, apricot fawn, black and white. According to the FCI, KC and CKC (Canadian Kennel Club), they all accept four colors: fawn, black, silver and apricot.

Well, what's indisputable though, is how rare silver pugs are and watching a rare silver pug puppy grow up is a sweet and heartwarming experience that will melt anyone's heart!

Meet Pug puppy Smokey. This adorable little pug pup’s biological mom was a fawn pug (black snout, tan body) and his father was a super rare white pug. Smokey is a precociously obnoxious mix of the two.

When the owner, Maia McCann, met him, he had smoke-colored ears, so that’s where she got his name. These days, he’s the color of a coffee with lots and lots of cream, but she thinks his name still suits him 🙂

Watch a rare silver pug grow from 8 weeks to a year old in 2 minutes on the next page!

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728 thoughts on “This Rare Silver Pug Puppy Growing Up Will Melt Your Heart!

  1. Exactly! There are always little giveaways that something else is in their breeding.. different snouts, longer legs, head shape oh and colour lol. These so called rare colours are just another way for people to ask for more money or to make the dog appear more attractive to gullible buyers.

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