Frightened Puppy Mill Dog Hides Her Puppies In The Wall To Keep Them Safe

Her puppies were wedged in the wall of the dirty barn, the only place a female Beagle could find that would be safe for them inside an illegal puppy mill.

That’s how Debra Tranter with the animal rights group Oscar’s Law found a female beagle when she and a colleague sneaked into an illegal puppy mill in northern North South Wales, Australia to document the living conditions. They had visited the farm months before, and conditions had not improved, despite the farm having received citations. She said she found the dogs living in filth and squalor, the stench of feces and urine was incredible, water containers green with slime, and rat-infested pens.

Photo credit: Oscar’s Law

One of the most heartbreaking moments she filmed in the expose was when they saw the female beagle cowering in the corner. Tranter had heard a puppy cry and went to look closer, but she could not find the puppies anywhere. She crawled on the dirty ground of the bare wooden pen hunting for the puppies and that’s when she noticed there was a piece of plaster loose on the wall.

Photo credit: Oscar’s Law

Peering in, she saw the four puppies wedged inside. Their mother had hidden them in the wall, to be safe from the other dogs roaming around in the filthy space.

Photo credit: Oscar’s Law

The scene is a far cry from the “raised in our home, much loved babies” that puppy mill breeders’ online classifieds read.

Sadly, puppy mills are legal in New South Wales and Tranter estimates there are roughly 200 of them operating in the state. Although the state has animal welfare laws, animal rights groups like Oscar’s Law argue there is not enough enforcement and that the current laws are too lax and need to change.

The state has become a haven for puppy farm breeders because of the legal loopholes that allows the operators to skirt the law and destine hundreds of dogs to live in substandard conditions while they churn out puppies for profit. Unlike in the state of Victoria, where dogs can be seized from unlicensed breeders by the RSPCA, no such law exists in NSW.

Photo credit: Oscar’s Law

That leaves mothers and puppies like the ones Tranter saw, helpless for now. But Tranter is hopeful for the future. Other footage Tranter collected last lead to a raid on the farm last year by NSW Police and the RSPCA. Around a dozen dogs were rescued at that time and notices were served. However, the conditions at the puppy mill have not improved, although as of January 2016 the puppy farmer has claimed that they are closing down.

Oscar’s Law now fears for the safety of the 100 dogs on the property. They wrote on their online petition, “There’s a good chance they could sell them to other cruel puppy factories, relocate to continue the business at an unknown location, or take a gun and shoot every dog. These long-suffering animals are now at the mercy of owners who have made a living out of showing no such mercy. It’s a devastating legal loophole that needs to be closed.”

Tranter hopes they may still be able to rescue the dogs, if they can be legally rescued by authorities. She says Oscar’s Law has offered to pay for all veterinary bills and help find foster homes for the animals.

Inside the illegal puppy factory authorities cannot close…

Following two investigations by Oscar's Law, Animal Liberation Queensland and Animal Liberation NSW – this illegally operating NSW puppy factory has now said they will close down. Under the current legislation in the state, the owner is entitled to sell the dogs to other puppy factories, relocate the business and simply start over – or take a gun and shoot every single dog.Between this puppy factory with over 100 dogs, and the one we recently managed to close down in Gwydir Shire Council, there are over 400 dogs whose lives are in limbo in NSW. They need YOUR help, we must change the legislation and get this issue on the political agenda so that authorities can seize the dogs (just like they would be able to if these puppy factories were in Victoria).SIGN HERE:

Posted by Oscar's Law on Sunday, January 31, 2016

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76 thoughts on “Frightened Puppy Mill Dog Hides Her Puppies In The Wall To Keep Them Safe

  1. So true! And it kills me how so many people get jealous over seeing a dog be spoiled. It’s all jealousy and they can’t stand to see animals getting better treatment than them. Animals deserve nothing but the best and there are few people like us out there that truly care and are not evil or jealous. Most people are so selfish and only want what’s best for THEMSELVES. No feelings for animals. It sickens me!

  2. So Australia is disgusting too! POS’S. There should be NO license issued anywhere to reproduce and sell, and HUGE fines for doing so. Sickening barbarians at the very least…everyone everywhere that allows this for one day!

  3. This is disgusting and am shocked that this is legal in N
    SW. I knew it happened but didn’t think it was legal. For Gods sake this is animal cruelty and that is illegal why can’t authorities go in and rescue these poor animals!? If I could help I would and if I can let me know. I have 2 Beagles that are rescues one was really only a re home as his owners both worked and didn’t think he was happy left all day on his own. I admire them for putting his feelings above their own as when we went to get him you could see they cared and loved him. My girl spent 12 months at a breeders and then they decided they didn’t want her. She went to her new home but they jad never owned a dog before and didn’t know how to cope with a very scared and frightened dog who was put on Prozac, I believe she lived at a puppy farm, jad no human contact and eas abused. She has come a long way since I got her, no more Prozac and even though she’s still nervous she is a lot better. All these beatiful animals want is to be loved and part of the family. Please rrscue thrse dogs they deserve a chance of a happy loving life.

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