The Pugs of Westeros

To celebrate the release of the fourth series of Game of Thrones on blinkbox, blinkbox (a UK-based video-on-demand (VoD) service company) created this video starring 3 adorable pugs.

‘The Pugs of Westeros' sees Roxy, Blue and Bono playing doggy versions of the main characters; including Joffrey Baratheon, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. The pugs' owners, Phillip Lauer and his wife Sue, have been dressing their pugs up as characters from movies and TV since they were puppies.

They normally only shoot still photography but jumped at the chance of creating a mini-movie based on one of their favorite shows.

Check out the adorable pugs dressed up like the Game of Thrones characters on the next page:

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104 thoughts on “The Pugs of Westeros

  1. Hi,
    Dixie my Pug and Fur baby still has her Mammary tumor.
    Got her checked out at the Vet in Danville VA (Mt Hermon Medical Center) to save on the exam Fee..

    They quoted me $50 and I didn’t have to get all the shots to get seen.
    Actually they did it for Free since she was a first/new patient.

    So she does have a mammary tumor, She is going on 11 years old, she is going to need bloodwork
    and tests and Biopsy and surgery to take out the tumor and to spay her to prevent the spread or occurrence.

    So the bill will end up costing around 1,300 to get her fixed up.

    If anyone out there can help me out with this it is appreciated.
    Also spread this to others and put it on their walls to go Viral.

    I have had this up for sometime now and just now I have recieved a few donations.
    Even if its $5 or so it will help.

    I know I can afford some of this but with your help I can get this done quicker.

    So please help and let others know. Thanks very much in advance.

    Any amount helps.

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