Here's the cute award winning CGI 3D Animated short film, “Dustin” created by the talented hands and minds of Michael Fritzsche, Kristina Jaeger, Andreas Tetz & Nadine Utz Produced in Germany 2014! It's a really cute and sweet short film, we're sure you'll enjoy!!
More: See Why This Short Film About A Boy And His Dog Wins Every Award Possible
Check it out below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family! 🙂
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Joyce Cenido
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Joey & Iosue!
Lucy Nelson
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Lisa Nelson
Mauricio Ceballos
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Aaaahhh me encantó baby
Kim Lowe
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Neale and Nick very cute
Tori Peet
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Amanda Eva Cox show mads this xx
Amelia Maher
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Charlie Ciarli
Tamera Lockley
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Emmad Uddin
Tatiana Lima
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Thais De Lima Rhormens
Melvin Den Hollander
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Joyce Den Hollander – Ossewaarde Melvin Den Hollander
Andy Arthur
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Tennille Heap tonights movie?
Kimberly Torres Koss
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Elliot Koss Huddy and Rudy!
Belinda Neave
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Katie Meyers
Roxy Scott
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Lee Smith
Kathy Cawood
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Bretta ❤️
Craig A. Limkin
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Mark Tozer
Lee Smith
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I love this so much
Kathy Rachuig Abel
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Emily Abel Sabrina Lynch Blake B Applegate
Bretta Hughes
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So cute!
Kailey B Johnson
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What lol
Katherine Boruch
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Super cute!
Johnathan Roe
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Did you watch it
Denise Savino-Ciulla
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Reminds me of my Bruno
Kailey B Johnson
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Yeah its kind of scary like lol
Rachel Edwards
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Did you watch it??
Scott Matthews
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Of course! It’s adorable
Bill Thompson
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Jenni Thompson David Thompson
Jenni Thompson
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Shona Charlesworth Sue Lawler Trish Louiise
Jenni Thompson
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Alex Capon ❤️
Natalie Potten
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Jesse Potten
Josianne Boisvert
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Virginie Rbitaille Sarah Brousseau
Justin T. Jordan
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Erin Jordan
HwEe KHei
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YFern Sim this is the one
Ann Henderson
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Steven Mclachlan – do you think Lola would like one!