Pug REFUSES to go to bed….Screams!!!!

Ozzy the pug was moved into the laundry room by his mommy so she could clean the floors in the house.

When she told him to get into his bed, this was his reaction!!!

The question is: Why does he sleep away from his people? He should not be exiled to a cold laundry room. Dogs (especially pugs) love their humans and want to be close!!!

Would like to see her hug him and tell him she loved him, he seemed stressed 🙁

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104 thoughts on “Pug REFUSES to go to bed….Screams!!!!

  1. Sleeping w humans is what Pugs are known for. They were originally used as bed warmers before electricity. And they travelled in Carriages to keep humans warm. Shameful to banish them from their humans.

  2. Mine is kenneled at night. He’s still a puppy and quite naughty. He would roam all night and tear things up. He has tried to sleep with my oldest daughter but he’s obsessed with her dresser mirror and stares at himself all night.

  3. And throw you out of your bed before you knew it. I don’t own a pug but baby sit for my sister’s when they are away from home from time to time back then. So more or less i know what you are talking about. But thoughtful creatures when you treat them well. And very jealous too. Very clingy pets.

  4. I’m sad! My missy girl does that if I don’t pick her up and put her in my bed fast enough. She’s to old to jump up anymore but the other 3 can lol I could never let her cry like that. Just wanna pick that little guy up and love on him

  5. I have 4 rescue pugs and none sleep with me (I am a light sleeper and cannot stay asleep with them). They sleep with each other tho and are snoring when I leave the room to go to bed. They are smart and adapt.

  6. My Litte Tequila, she sleeps with us. I love to snuggle with her. She follows me everywhere, or will snuggle up in my robe watching tv. No matter where i go or what im doing, shes right there. She knows when its time to go to bed! Crazy Pug! lol

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