Pug REFUSES to go to bed….Screams!!!!

Ozzy the pug was moved into the laundry room by his mommy so she could clean the floors in the house.

When she told him to get into his bed, this was his reaction!!!

The question is: Why does he sleep away from his people? He should not be exiled to a cold laundry room. Dogs (especially pugs) love their humans and want to be close!!!

Would like to see her hug him and tell him she loved him, he seemed stressed 🙁

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104 thoughts on “Pug REFUSES to go to bed….Screams!!!!

  1. Is this woman all there? Why is the dog sleeping there instead of in the house. I know it says she’s cleaning the floors but she could have done all of them by the time she finished shouting at the poor little soul

  2. Good grief ! In my opinion, this is annoying on many levels . If poor Ozzy has to stay in the laundry room & he can’t get out, who cares if he’s in his bed or not . Clearly, he’s wanting to go into the rest of the house & be with his momma . If this is the routine every day, getting him to go to bed… I can understand why he’s reacting in such a way . Chaotic!!

  3. I just go to bed and my pugs end up wherever they want to in the house. Usually they sleep in their bed and then in the AM, they come to my door and make noise. LOL! This owner should try trusting her pug.

  4. My pug sleeps with me every night. How sad that people don’t let their pug babies sleep with them. The pug will live longer and so will the owner! I would miss mine terribly if she weren’t cuddled up next to me all night.

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