When it comes to wearing stuff, there's no other dog breed that stand out from the crowd than pugs (especially when it comes to pugs wearing costumes)!
Most will “Awww” everyone out of hilarity… but this handsome pug puppy takes a different road and goes dapper!
This adorable pug pup wears a bowtie like a gentleman and shows the world what ‘in style' truly means! 🙂
Aww such a precious little baby! Pugs and puppies in general are just little bundles of joy!
Check out this adorable video of a handsome pug puppy wearing a bowtie like a gentleman on the next page:
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Matthew Button Marks
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dapper more like lipper
Danie Grobler
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Valentines Ball….. moes iets rooi dra…. not 2 shabby….. Marlene Engelbrecht Visagie
Glenda Brown
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Yes they are