Pug Throws Temper Tantrum As He Severely Protests Bedtime

Infants and young children in our culture regularly protest going to bed. They make all sorts of excuses.

They say they are not tired, when in fact they obviously are tired. They say they are hungry, or thirsty, or need to hear a story (and then one more story) – anything to stall.

They talk about being afraid of the dark, or afraid of monsters in the closet or under the bed. Little babies without language, who can't yet describe their fears or try to negotiate, just scream.

This adorable pug is no exception. When the human suggests that it's time to hit the sack, he severely protests… even throwing a temper tantrum just like a human child! He's like, “I will not stand for this!!!!!!” lol

Watch as Grimley, an adorably energetic pug, throws a temper tantrum after his owner suggests that it's time for bed. The little guy is definitely not ready yet!

Check out the hilarious video on the next page!

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281 thoughts on “Pug Throws Temper Tantrum As He Severely Protests Bedtime

  1. My pug knooows its bedtime after his walk. So theb he runs finding his teddybear. And junpes in his bascket. I tell him eveey night thats not where he sleeps at night. And i point to his cage. He then runs in. Smashes his butt down and sitsa nd waits for me to give him his teddy and the goodnight kiss. Sometimes shen he doesnt want to go to bed he jumps on my couch. But then i get mad at him and he comes running…

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