This Pug Really, REALLY Hates Cutting Nails

Does your dog HATE having his toe nails clipped?

This adorable pug really, REALLY hates it… so much so that he totally loses his emotions to run away from the reality of having his toe nails clipped!

His emotionless facial expression while having his nails cut is just too hilarious and cute!!

Check out the hilarious video on the next page:

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390 thoughts on “This Pug Really, REALLY Hates Cutting Nails

  1. mine won’t let anyone cut his, and if you try to hold him, he’d roll his eyes up AND out, foaming at his mouth, faking (or not?) a coming heart attack. so we just let his nails grow during winter time, and when snow melts, he files them off by walking asphalted roads. and he always scratches the ground after poops, this helps a lot!)

  2. LOL…the more they are restrained the more they seem to panic. It’s sounds like they are being tortured I know. Ours does much better with a groomer who does the trim from behind so the dog does not see what’s happening. He is so much better with them than us! I sympathize too much I think. I’ve heard Pugs are exceptionally hateful of the evil nail trim!

  3. We have terrible problems have finally found a vet who can do it ! It’s a struggle and a three man job ! Before that she was sedated but wasn’t very well after the second time so I didn’t want to go down that road anymore !

  4. OMG YES!!!!!! When he was a puppy we were building a new house, one of his nails broke, and this idiotic vet, which he does not deserve to be even called a vet, cut his nail off all the way to the skin without any kind of treatment, no local or any kind of anesthesia, and he remembers that. That was one of the most horrible, painful, and one of the saddest moments to have witnessed For three weeks he was in so much pain, and now as soon as he sees a nail cutter he cries like a baby and shakes from fear. When it comes to getting his nails trimmed there is only one groomer that I trust, and he loves her, but still the fear is there. 🙁

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