Pug Hates Being Weighed. Her Reaction To The Sight Of A Scale Is Priceless!

Do you dread and hate going to the doctor's office just because they are going to weigh you?

Many folks literally cringe at the thought of getting on the scale when they go for their physical. They swear the scales at the doctor always weighs them at least 5 lbs more than their scales at home. lol

hate getting weighed

Can you relate? Well, this pug certainly can relate to it! This pug hates being weighed so much that when she sees a scale, she barks at it and even bites it!

This pug hates being weighed just like many of us humans (especially true of the ladies) who really hate weighing themselves. They'd rather be seen naked by a colleague or get dumped by a boyfriend than weigh themselves after the holidays!

Check out the hilarious video of the pug hating the scale and barking at and biting it on the next page:

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314 thoughts on “Pug Hates Being Weighed. Her Reaction To The Sight Of A Scale Is Priceless!

  1. People always comment on how fit my pug is, because thier used to seeing pugs that are over weight.
    I walk mine everyday. Other owners ought to do the same. I don’t think its cute or funny when a dogs over weight.
    It means the dogs unhealthy and is apt to have a shorter life span.
    If my tiny liitle pug can trek 3.5 miles on a hike and I walk her everyday. Then theres no reason other dogs can’t do the same.
    A dog is suppost to be walked atleast once a day.

  2. This is a puggle, so of course they are going to be heavier and bigger than a regular pug…but I agree that regardless what type of dog, they need to have exercise daily no questions asked

  3. I had to weigh Lil yesterday JoAnna! Zena and Sabah both commented on her size. Barely any gain at all! Gone from 15.1lb to 15.2 – that’s it. Puggy is perfect and not getting tubby at all. I thought typical Zena when she called Lil fat (she did) but wondered if she had a point when sensible lovely Sabah said she looked a bit bigger. Lily wasn’t overly concerned by the scale, only sitting still!

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