(VIDEO) Vodafone Commercial Featuring a Pug as a Little Girl’s Guardian Angel is SO Touching!

With their big eyes, gentle nature and the desire to please their human companions, it is easy to see and feel how dogs can be our guardian angels in disguise. Dogs are known for their loyalty to their families and sometimes even one special person.

That's what this Vodafone commercial brilliantly portrays. This cute commercial shows us how one pug goes above and beyond to care for his owner. She’s only a little girl, but this pug thinks the world of her!

Awww… It’s the sweetest commercial ever! There’s nothing sweeter than a dog taking care of his owner. When this happens, it’s really nice to witness the love and appreciation the dogs feel for their human companions.

Do you consider your doggy a guardian angel? This pug will really make you believe that doggies are our guardian angels! Unconditional love at its truest form!

Just watch and you’ll know that nothing is stopping this protective pug from making sure his owner stays safe and has the best life has to offer her!

Watch this sweet and tenderhearted pug watch over his adorable human companion in the video on the next page. I wish they would make commercials like this one more often!

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579 thoughts on “(VIDEO) Vodafone Commercial Featuring a Pug as a Little Girl’s Guardian Angel is SO Touching!

  1. This is my babygirl, her name is Miss Tegans Way (Tegan for short). She is like velcro! I sometimes get flustered the billionth time I almost sit on her, but love hearing her snore when she and I are cuddled up on the couch.

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