For Every View Of This Video A Pound Of Dog Food Will Be Donated To Shelters! YES!

SoulPancake and Purina Puppy Chow teamed up to answer a very important question: Can puppies fix boredom? Judging by this video, I think the answer is a resounding “yes.”

SoulPancake has teamed with Puppy Chow to release their new #PowerofPuppies video and help raise pet food donations for shelter dogs in need. For each video view, Purina will donate one pound of Puppy Chow Natural to Rescue Bank (up to 500,000 pounds).

The campaign continues to be extremely successful with continuous and on-going shares across all social media platforms.

Please watch and share the adorable video, you will be glad you did. Seriously, it’s so cute!

Update: this campaign has ended on April 23, 2016. But c'mon… I mean, adorable puppies to d’aww at and a chance to help animals in need… do you REALLY need more reasons to watch?!

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