20 reasons why pit bulls make the worst pets…

11. When they hug you, they never let go.

12. They’re so dangerous, they melt your heart.

13. Look at the horror in this one!

14. This deer is totally terrified!

15. As is this bunny.


16. I told you they like to hog furniture right?

17. They climb into your fridge and steal all the good food

18. They look adorable… even in the rain

19. They can assimilate into other cultures better than you can

20. Who am I kidding? They’re adorable!

Aren’t you terrified of pit bulls now?

Seriously though, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with pit bulls. We really dislike the negative perception society has towards pit bulls. They’re adorable and lovable like any other animal!

Please SHARE these big, terrifying pit bulls with your friends and help show how cute pit bulls really are!

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