Pit Bull Falls Onto Family’s Porch, Then Mom Checks Inside Dog’s Mouth And Tears Up

Christianna Willis is employed by an animal hospital and as a result of her place of work, she is well acquainted with animals’ various ailments. The Nashville resident recently received a major surprise when a random pitbull wandered up onto her porch and while Willis is well versed enough to know how to perform a basic health check, nothing could have prepared her for the event that was about to take place.

Once she took a look into the dog’s mouth, she realized that the situation was far more dire than she initially suspected. Some of the animal’s teeth were filed down and others had been removed entirely, telltale signs that the animal had been forced to work in a dog fighting ring. This dog has been working as a bait dog, a fate that no innocent creature should ever be forced to endure.

The dog was of no threat to Willis and it took a bit of reassurance on her part to make sure that the dog knew she would never do anything to hurt her. The dog is now known as Mama Jade and her new mother set about the difficult task of tracking down the people who were responsible for causing the injuries that had taken place. Someone needed to be held accountable.

She made a Craigslist post that explained the situation, letting people know that the injured dog had made her way onto her front porch. She described the dog’s suffering in full detail and painted a picture of Mama Jade’s condition for all of the ad’s readers. The dog was even diagnosed with breast cancer, but that did not stop her from receiving love at the shelter.

Thanks to the post, which went viral almost immediately, Mama Jade received the help that she needed when it came to covering her high medical bills. No animal should ever be forced to endure the things that Mama Jade went through and we should all be so lucky as to have a guardian angel who will help us through the hard times that we encounter in this life.

Please do your part and share this story with your closest friends and family members as soon as possible, so that awareness can be raised about the horrors of dog fighting. We cannot believe that such cruel and barbaric practices still exist in a modern society and it is our most sincere hope that people start to reconsider their awful behavior before more innocent animals get hurt.

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