Pet Store Replaces All Its Animals With Rescue Pets And Customers Fall In Love

Almost every animal rescue struggles with lack of funding and overpopulation. And in Brazil, it’s a widespread issue where, overcrowded shelters lead to bad outcomes like poor health conditions, stress, depression, and starvation.

Some pet owners become overwhelmed with the responsibility and just drop their pets off thinking they are doing the right thing, but in reality, they are adding to the problem. Many times these animals go unadopted and meet a dreadful fate which is why you should always rescue before you buy.

Often times when people decide they want a dog or a new pet they go straight to the pet store or a breeder. There is a common misconception that rescue pets are somewhat of ‘misfit’ pets. They are thought of as mutts, unhealthy or misbehaved. But what many don’t know is that there are just a lot of perfectly precious pets with no issues at all who just need a forever family.

So, to help the local animal rescue, this pet store set out to replace all the pets for sale with rescue pets to be given away for free!

Watch the reactions of the customers as they fall in love with these furry little friends. Completely shocked that these animals are free to good homes, you won’t believe the outcome of this adoption outreach.

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