Park Rangers Take Epic Selfies With Gorillas While Protecting Them From Poachers

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo has 600 rangers who work hard to save the animals there from poachers.

Several of those rangers took incredible selfies with gorillas that have gone viral on Facebook.

Source: The Elite AntiPoaching Units And Combat Trackers/Facebook

One of the photos show Ranger Mathieu Shamavu standing in front of two gorillas who are standing up-right like humans,and seemingly posing for the camera, while another ranger stands in the background.

Another photo show Ranger Patrick Sadiki posing between gorillas Ndakasi and Matabishi.

Source: The Elite AntiPoaching Units And Combat Trackers/Facebook

These photos are a great reminder of how amazing gorillas are and just how similar they are to us.

While posing with gorillas is a perk of this job, being a ranger is no easy task. They risk their lives every day to protect these animals. According to, Congo has been “deeply impacted by the effects of war and armed conflict for over 20 years.”

Source: The Elite AntiPoaching Units And Combat Trackers/Facebook

Sadly, nearly 200 rangers have died in the line of duty.

The dedicated team of 600 rangers have gone through intensive training, which help them protect the park’s wildlife, including the last of the world’s critically endangered mountain gorillas.

Learn more about the protected gorillas of the Congo in the video below:

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