Man Cropped Puppies’ Ears With Scissors And No Anesthetic To Save Breeder Money

A breeder in Niagra Falls, New York wanted to cut costs. She had a litter of American Bulldog puppies and in order to make them more ‘appealing’ to buyers, she opted to have their ears cropped. This practice has become less popular as more vets refuse to do it.

Finding a vet who still does this is difficult and expensive. The breeder instead contacted Michael Anthony Paonessa who agreed to crop their ears and only charge $250 for all seven dogs. A vet with proper tools and anesthetic would normally charge $250 per dog.

Source: Voice For Us/Facebook

After the puppies were returned to the breeder, she immediately contacted Animal Control Officer Dave Bower of the Niagara Falls Police Department. She claimed all their ears were botched. She also said Paonessa told her that he had “run out of stitches.”

Source: Voice For Us/Facebook

Paonessa told authorities: “People want their dogs to look tough, so they’ll get the ears clipped. But there’s no real reason to get the ears cut.”

Ear cropping was popular when dogfighting wasn’t illegal. Their shorter ears prevented other dogs from grabbing onto them. Now that dogfighting is no longer allowed, the practice makes no sense. Some potential buyers still like the look and claim it makes the dogs look tough. We couldn’t disagree more.

Animal Control Officer Bower said that he was absolutely disgusted by the “brutal procedure.” He described Paonessa’s practices as “depraved and sadistic.”

Paonessa has since been arrested and faces seven counts of aggravated cruelty to animals. He has pleaded not guilty.

Source: Voice For Us/Facebook

The puppies have all been treated by a veterinarian and are doing well. They have since been returned to the breeder, which concerns us. Do you think the breeder should also be responsible for what happened to them? As of now, she is not facing any charges.

We hope ear cropping will be outlawed in all states as this is an unnecessary barbaric procedure. Do you agree?

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Stay for one more story, be sure to check out these Top Trending Stories below:

Story: Man’s About To Return Shelter Dog When He Reads Previous Owner’s Note

A man had finally settled into his new town, but something still felt missing from his life. He thought getting a companion in the form of a shelter dog might help. So he did just that. He went to the shelter where a black Lab named Reggie needed a home. But they didn’t hit it off right away.

The man gave it two weeks (the amount of time the shelter said it may take for the dog to adjust to his new home), but it just wasn’t working out. Maybe it was the fact he was also trying to adjust to a new situation. Maybe they were too much alike. But then the man started going through Reggie’s stuff, and that’s when he was reminded of a letter the previous owner had left with the dog. That’s what would end up changing their lives dramatically.

What an amazingly beautiful story. It’s all going to work out for Tank and his new owner. 🙂

You’ve read this far… you need to watch this short BEAUTIFUL video clip.. It will touch your HEART! Enjoy!

[h/t Tickld]


Reverse Sneezing In Dogs – What to do…

Does this sound familiar? Your dog suddenly starts making loud snorting sounds—over and over again, in quick succession.

Do you start wondering, did they swallow something they shouldn’t have? Can they breathe?!

Chances are, you’re experiencing the infamous “reverse sneeze.”

Veterinarians often see dogs whose owners rushed them in for an emergency appointment after finding them standing with their elbows apart, head pulled back, and eyes bulging as they snort or gasp repeatedly.

Yet for the vast majority of these dogs, a vet visit was unnecessary.

Reverse sneezing looks and sounds scary the first time you encounter it. However, it’s a fairly common and harmless respiratory event for dogs.

Read on to learn how to identify reverse sneezing, what causes it, and how to tell the difference between a harmless reverse sneeze and something else.

What is reverse sneezing?

A reverse sneeze is pretty much what it sounds like: a sneeze that happens in reverse! The above video is a good example of what it looks and sounds like.

In a regular sneeze, air is rapidly pushed out through the nose. In a reverse sneeze, air is rapidly, and noisily, pulled in through the nose.

It occurs in spasms lasting anywhere from a few seconds up to a minute and sounds like snorting, snuffling, and even gagging. See the above video for an example.

Because of the sounds their dogs make while reverse sneezing, many people mistakenly think their dog is choking. However, a reverse sneeze is almost as normal and harmless as a regular sneeze.

What causes reverse sneezing?


There’s no single cause for a reverse sneeze. Like regular sneezing, it’s often triggered by an irritation or inflammation in the nose, throat, or sinuses.

It often occurs when dogs wake up from a nap, or after eating, when their breathing pattern may have rapidly changed. It’s also caused by irritants in the airway—anything from dust to an inhaled hair!

Some dogs experience more frequent reverse sneezing in springtime when the air is full of pollen and other allergens.

Others reverse sneeze more in the winter, when sudden temperature changes between outdoors and indoors cause the nasal passages to contract.

Another common cause of reverse sneezing is pressure on the throat and neck. A too-tight collar, or straining against the leash, can irritate the throat and lead to a reverse sneeze. That’s just one more reason to consider a harness for your dog.

Finally, some dogs reverse sneeze after exercise, or when they’re overexcited. This is particularly common among brachycephalic, or short-nosed, breeds like pugs and bulldogs.

When they get worked up, they may inhale their elongated soft palates into the throat, triggering an episode of reverse sneezing.

How to end a reverse sneezing episode

VIA FLICKR/78428166@N00

Reverse sneezing is super-common, and it won’t hurt your dog. However, some dogs become anxious during a reverse sneezing episode, and a lengthy episode may be uncomfortable.

You can help your dog recover from a reverse sneezing episode by remaining calm yourself. If you get anxious, your dog’s anxiety will increase, too. So, stay calm, and show your dog there’s nothing to panic about.

If your dog is experiencing a particularly long episode of reverse sneezing, you may be able to ease or end the episode by:

  • Gently massaging your dog’s throat
  • Briefly covering their nostrils, which will cause them to swallow and potentially stop sneezing
  • Depressing their tongue with your hand to help open airways
  • Some vets suggest gently blowing in your dog’s face

In the vast majority of cases, there’s no need to intervene. Reverse sneezing doesn’t last long, and your dog will be perfectly normal after it stops.

When you should go to the vet

As mentioned, reverse sneezing rarely requires veterinary treatment. As soon as the sneezing episode stops, the situation is resolved. However, if episodes increase in frequency or duration, you should call the vet just in case.

You should also seek treatment if your dog’s reverse sneezing is accompanied by other respiratory symptoms or if they have any unusual discharge from their nose.

Occasionally, chronic reverse sneezing can be a symptom of more serious issues. These include nasal mites, foreign objects in the airway, respiratory infections, and tracheal collapse.

If you’re concerned about the intensity of your dog’s reverse sneezing, take a video to show the vet. They’ll be able to determine potential causes.

Most dogs experience episodes of reverse sneezing at some point in their lives. For the vast majority of dogs, it’s a common, temporary, harmless reaction with no lasting aftereffects.

Of course, it still sounds unsettling to our human ears! But now that you know what reverse sneezing is, you’ll be less likely to make an unnecessary vet visit.

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