Older Pug Demonstrates Extreme Patience With New Puppy Friend (For A While Anyway…)

“Patience is a virtue.” as the saying goes. It's also commonly said that “patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.” lol

In this extreme display of patience, an older pug, Minnie, tolerates the high energy of a younger pug that keeps invading her personal space.

I wouldn't put up much of a fight either if my personal bubble was being invaded by that fluffy ball of cuteness!

It certainly doesn't look like she minds too much, as this ball of energy keeps running around and around and around and around…

Well, watch the sweetheart Minnie the pug demonstrate extreme patience with his new puppy friend, Irma full of energy on the next page!

I guess patience does come with age 🙂 What a good dog!

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