No One Believed What He Claimed His Dog ALWAYS Did In The Car, So He Filmed a Video To Prove It

This type of thing has happened to you one time or another I'm sure. You have something crazy happen to you and you tell your friends or family about it.

When they hear it, they think you've completely lost your mind or you're telling them a made up story. No matter how much you swear up and down that it is in fact true, they don't seem to believe your honesty. Sometimes, seeing is believing! In this story, that certainly was the case.

Adam Douglas told his friends that his dog, Tommy, always wanted to hold hands while they're driving in the car. As crazy as it sounds, Adam seemed pretty serious about his story. Even then, his friends really had a hard time finding it to be true.

So, as any good and honest person would do, Adam decided that the next time it happened, he would film it so he would have actual proof.

Check out the video on the next page to see what Adam recorded!

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51 thoughts on “No One Believed What He Claimed His Dog ALWAYS Did In The Car, So He Filmed a Video To Prove It

  1. Maybd the dog is scared of his driving. No seatbelt, driving on the wrong side of the car, and road, and messing around with phone or camera with the other hand. I’d be scared too! Lol!

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