This Dog Was Found In A Cage With The Door Rusted Shut. But Wait Till You See This…

The Humane Society of the United States was on a puppy mill raid when they noticed a Chihuahua named Billy. The dog had been caged so long, the door rusted shut. But wait till you see this sweet dog’s reaction.

Check out the video below, and meet Billy, rescued from a North Carolina puppy mill, and his adopter, Adam.

Bless you all at the Humane Society of the United States for all you do… helping rescue and saving these helpless and beautiful dogs from these puppy mills and abusers. You all are such wonderful people!

Prayers for each and every baby you save. Billy is precious and a lucky boy. The capacity animals have to love humans even after such terrible suffering and neglect is amazing.

Unfortunately, Billy unexpectedly passed away the following year. Adam from the Humane Society of the United States who adopted Billy made a video titled “Billy's Legacy” to report of his passing.

Life in a puppy mill wrecked his body, and in the end Billy succumbed to complications stemming from years of untreated medical conditions.

Watch “Billy's Legacy” below:

Adam definitely made Billy very happy the last few months of his life. Billy looked so lovely and Adam loved him so much. Billy passed away in very good hands, being loved and cared for… and he's in a better place now looking down at Adam in heaven smiling with gratefulness that he rescued him.

Billy's message is still alive – his spirit is alive and thriving and touching hearts still today. I'm so comforted that wonderful people like Adam and all of the folks at the Humane Society of the United States still exist in this world.

R.I.P. Billy.

111 thoughts on “This Dog Was Found In A Cage With The Door Rusted Shut. But Wait Till You See This…

  1. We tried to adopt a schnauzer that was rescued from a puppy mill. He had been in a cage all of his 7 years. He was medicated for the mental problems caused by being in a small cage for 7 years. Being taken away from the comfort of the rescue he was in was to much for him. He spun in circles for days. We sadly had to send him back to the rescue where he continued to feel safe and heal. He was with them for about 2 more years before he was healthy enough mentally to be adopted. He is in a loving home doing really well. I still feel sad that we weren’t the right home for him because I instantly fell in love with him. Thinking of the horrible first 7 years he had, seeing the result of that firsthand, really showed to me the devastating results of puppy mills. I need to save that video on my phone so the next time I tell someone don’t buy from pet stores, they will really understand. Bless those who saved these dogs and bless that man for loving Billy.

  2. I wish every person involved in the operation of a puppy mill had to be locked up for as many years as the poor animals are. Also cared for the same way they care for their animals.

  3. Thanks for all the hard, heartbreaking work that you and your team members do everyday for rescuing the animals. Thanks too for taking Billy into your home and family so that he was surrounded by love and affection during his last days.

  4. God bless you Adam.. For all u did for Billy it was too .much for me couldn’t watch the whole video of his passing… Thank God for people like u who gave him ur precious time till the end

  5. RIP Billy. Thank you sir for continuing to fight the good fight…rescuing these poor souls that cannot defend themselves from cruel individuals. God bless you Adam and the people of American Humane Society.

  6. The condition of all of those poor babies…..people who do this should be kept In the exact same condition and fed like these babies were and that would be just for starters…..god bless you people who do these rescues and give these fur babies a new home and a new life.Thank You

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