Man’s Heart Breaks When He Sees What Shelter Dogs Sleep On, Does Something About It

Imagine walking into your local animal shelter and deciding to pay it forward by surprising the dogs sleeping on the cold concrete floors. The power of love overcame Stuart Edge when he recently visited his local shelter to volunteer. What he saw was dog after dog waiting for a new home and sleeping on a concrete floor without any comfort. This modern-day superhero took action!

Since Stuart has five dogs of his own at home, he wanted to give back. The shelter worker told him they really needed beds for the dogs, so off he went to the local warehouse club for some retail therapy in the name of dog.

His friends helped Stuart load his cart up and then stuff his car full of dog beds, as you can see below in the video.

Everyone has the power to do something for animals in need, and Stuart is a shining example of how to make a difference! The sheer joy and gratitude on the faces of the dogs waiting for their forever homes were priceless, which you can watch in this touching video below. Okay now– I’m off to give back!

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