Man surprises wife with puppy for early birthday present

A husband gets his wife a boxer puppy a month early for her birthday. Boy, was she surprised! (Not really, she knew it as soon as she came home!)

More: Boxers May Appear Gentle and Loving, But Beware.. He Can Do THIS To Defend Himself.

Check out the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

206 thoughts on “Man surprises wife with puppy for early birthday present

  1. Great idea as long as it is not just after she has lost her fur baby that she had for almost 10yrs I made that mistake it was about 2yrs or more before she would even look at him or do anything for him it was all on me but now after 5.5yrs she love,s the fur boy that I rescued from a bad deal ,today he went from 70lbs to 105lbs Boxer boy

  2. Puppies should be carefully considered and not be gifted unless they are 100% committed to raising it! So many boxers are in rescue because they are adorable puppies but many don’t realize they remain incredibly playful and energetic

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