Man Devotes His Life To Adopting Old Dogs Who Can’t Find Forever Homes

Now, Greig is a super busy human dad to his 10 elder shelter dogs


“A normal day for me is getting up at 5 a.m. in the morning and making breakfast for all of them”


“Which, you know, there’s 10 [dogs] and most of them have different diets”


He also takes them to grooming appointments and the vet


And administers medication to the ones with health problems


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98 thoughts on “Man Devotes His Life To Adopting Old Dogs Who Can’t Find Forever Homes

  1. I love what he’s doing……..with two very minor exceptions. As a former dog groomer myself, it seems that the fluffier breeds might do better with shorter hair. Especially the ones that required grooming all their lives with loud clippers and loud dog dryers that could quite possibly be responsible for the hearing loss we often see in older pets. Also, the brushing and drying required to get the hair perfectly straight so as to be cut evenly can hurt them if done too quickly or forcefully. Let them have shorter hair. They’re old!

    Also, per a recent FB circulating post, I would keep the chickens separated from the other animals and limit contact myself, since they can transmit salmonella,and have been deemed responsible for some recent outbreaks.

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