Family Dog Give Birth to Litter of Puppies. When Owner Looked Closer at One Puppy, She FROZE

It's unbelievably exciting when your fur baby gives birth to itty, bitty fur babies!

It is magical to watch them transform into a mother almost instantaneously. It's enough to make any dog owner beaming with joy.

Mark and Elaine Cooper know that feeling very well. When their beloved girl, Milly, gave birth to a litter of puppies, they couldn't have been more ecstatic.

When they began to inspect the adorable new bundles of joy, something extremely bizarre quickly caught their attention.

One puppy was not like the rest, and was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Check out the video on the next page to see this extraordinary little puppy!

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229 thoughts on “Family Dog Give Birth to Litter of Puppies. When Owner Looked Closer at One Puppy, She FROZE

  1. To save you the trouble of clicking though multiple pages to get the answer, a labrador was born “green”. (It’s the result of overexposure to a placental substance called biliverdin. The color is temporary.)

  2. A lot of people complain so much about nice videos and articles about dogs that are not labs… I understand this is a labrador lovers site but I don’t see anything wrong with other types of articles once in a while… stop the hate

  3. Mama gave birth to 5 puppies: 4 boys and 1 girl. The special thing about the girl (not just her gender) is she is green. The dog owners are calling her Fiona after Shrek’s wife. The color will soon fade in a few weeks.

    There. Don’t read.

  4. This is more common than people think… it also happens with chocolates and blacks but you can’t see the discoloration …. it’s more emphasized on the yellow puppies…. and it does fade in a few days as Momma cleans and licks her litter.

  5. Ok is it just me or did anybody else notice two different mother dogs? The picture is of a white dog and the video has a brown dog. No relevance to the story but I noticed.

  6. Her “first” litter? Hey, how about leaving breeding to breeders. Too may dogs die every day for people to be having puppies at home. I don’t care if you find homes for all the puppies or not, that just means that other homeless dogs die.

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