Labrador Puppies Follow Dad To The Lake, Then He Makes All Of Them Jump In

Being a dad means you get to teach your growing babies all about the outside world.

Since parents are kids’ first preview to how to walk, talk, and behave, little ones usually tend to pick up their parents’ mannerisms, whether they’re big or barely noticeable.

As it turns out, this is also the case for furry dog dads!

Like human babies, puppies are very impressionable; they’ll observe and follow a lot of what their parents do.

This particular Labrador daddy has six kids in tow, but they clearly love following right behind him while they all play outside.

Being a clear fan of the outdoors and an attentive father, he decided to lead them to the lake for a swim, diving in and hoping they would follow.

Some dove right in after him and clumsily splashed about while others seemed a little squeamish of the water, and it became clear that they didn’t really know how to doggy paddle yet.

But their dad persisted, helping them along and actually teaching them how to swim — have you ever seen anything like this before?

This sweet little clip proves that parenting takes patience no matter what the species, especially if you have wagging wiggly puppies to teach!

If you want to brighten someone’s day with this heartwarming little moment caught on camera, make sure to SHARE with friends and family on Facebook.

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