Dad pours some food for the puppy. What the pup does next is too precious for words

Kahlua the yellow Lab puppy gives thanks before eating in the most precious way. Watch as he prays with his owner before having dinner. 🙂

388 thoughts on “Dad pours some food for the puppy. What the pup does next is too precious for words

  1. Are you kidding! She is dancing before I get the food out. She tries to get on the cabinet. We’re really working on not doing that. We have a rambunctious 52lb. Puppy. But I love it too.

  2. Stephen McCloy you are absolutely right! Religion is made by human beings who try to live by a certain standard…IMPOSSIBLE if you are a for real human being…but those who have a relationship with a “living God” who knew we needed relationship and NOT MORE RELIGION, we know He doesn’t “cause” suffering but in this life there is suffering but comfort from a living God until death when we see HIM face to face and ALL sorrow is gone forever. Only Faith in the Creator who made even YOU in His Image can Love you enough to give you a Hope greater than all this. Hey, God Bless and if you ever need or want to talk more about those feelings I will listen to, I get it

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