Dog Wedding With Private John Legend Concert Is Simply Pawsome!!

This has got to be the cutest and the funniest thing we've seen all week!

Here's the popular, 9 Grammy Awards + one Golden Globe + one Academy Award winning singer-songwriter John Legend (did you know that his real name was John Roger Stephens?!

John Legend is his stage name 🙂 ) singing at a wedding between Puddy the bulldog (who looks like a mafia boss) and Pippa the French Bulldog (who's the cute princess bride).

This is actually a promotion video of a charitable event giving people a chance to win and have John Legend sing at your wedding!

…or other event (birthday parties, going away parties, and parties for no special occasion are all eligible!)

The main goal is to raise funds to support a great cause of rebuilding the auditorium at the former Sourth High School in Springfield, OH through the Show Me Campaign.

Check out the cutest video of Puddy and Pippa's wedding with John Legend performing on the next page:

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