Elderly Woman Was Extremely Lonely, Then She Met A Dog Who Helped Fill The Void

73-year-old Jerri McCutcheon has been feeling extremely lonely lately. Living alone and having no one to talk to can become very depressing at times. It was a void that she knew needed to be filled.

Times were less lonely when she spent her days with her beloved Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix, Bandi. But after sharing 11 years together, Bandi sadly passed away last May.

The Humane Society of Western Montana

Ever since Bandi died, McCutcheon’s granddaughter would always tell her that she looked so sad and needed another puppy. But at 73 years old, McCutcheon did not think she could go through having another one.

But things changed after McCutcheon went to visit a dog at the Missoula humane Society that her granddaughter had picked out. When McCutcheon saw Minnie, it was love at first sight.

The Humane Society of Western Montana

Luckily, their first meeting was all caught on camera, and it was an emotional one. McCutcheon had tears in her eyes when she held Minnie for the first time. They were a perfect match!

“This little girl is starved for love and I’ve got it to give,” McCutcheon told ABC News of her new pup, who is estimated to be about 10 years old. “When I take them, I take them for life. She’s probably the most loving dog, and I’ve had several. We’re going through some learning processes but that’s what makes it work.”

While McCutcheon has rescued Minnie, Minnie has helped fill that void that McCutcheon so desperately needed to be filled. It’s the perfect case of “who rescued who?”

The Humane Society of Western Montana

57 thoughts on “Elderly Woman Was Extremely Lonely, Then She Met A Dog Who Helped Fill The Void

  1. Yes, I am all alone and if it weren’t for my pets,I would become depressed; on the other hand, I mostly feel I would rather spend my time with my pets than with people–they don’t betray your trust/friendship like so many of my friends/family have done.

  2. So Important To Have A Loved One To Care For It Makes You Feel Needed And Physically,Emotionally,Spiritually Alive ! The Return Is Tripled With Much Unconditional Love And Security For Both ! Heartfelt Congrat’s For Your Little Family !

  3. What a beautiful story! That is very true your best friend is your pet!,they make you feel needed in so many ways.They give you unconditional love and bring happniess to you.people today have forgottem about the elders which is really a shame!! So happy yo see this lady happy again that little fur baby made that happen always know that our fur babys are the best medaçine in the world. God Bless You And Your beautiful fur baby keep the little guy close to your heart!!!⚘⚘⚘❤⚘⚘⚘

  4. That is so true… the things that our elders could teach us about so many things, if only the younger generations would take the time to listen; there doesn’t seem to be any respect for elders in our society today-they’re made fun of as if their lives/experiences aren’t important. Makes me sad to see elders so disrespected.

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