At 8 month old, Jenny the Pug Puppy pushes her ‘baby' in a stroller!
She also shows off her athletic talents by riding on a skateboard! What an adorable and awesome puppy!
Jenny is such a wonderfully smart dog who has a very talented trainer! Isn't she awesome?! She's so cute and so talented! Im crying!
Don't miss the moment at 0:17 when she's like, “no you don't touch myyyy baby!!” xD 🙂
Check out Jenny the Pug Puppy in action in the video on the next page:
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Sarah Baxter
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Jarrod Cahill
Ernestine Hipp
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This is so cute.
Josh Hill
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Carlos Jackie
Katie Jane
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JoAnna McGrath
Jeri Ziawinski Barras
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Cindy Barras
JoAnna McGrath
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:O wow, what a cool little puggle!
Nancy Grimwood
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Cynthia Parkinson
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Love it,
Michael D'Angelo
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Kristin Taylor D’Angelo Norm sucks lol
Maria Lynn Faulconer
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Nancy Deborah I’ve got to teach Pugs how to do this lol
Nancy Poynter
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Lol also teach him the agility course if a Mastiff can do it a pug can
Maria Lynn Faulconer
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omg yes there is hope lol
Micah Velarde Rosero
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We need this kind!!!!!! Max Wright
Chelsea Funk
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Mike Poston
Sandy Heishman
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Cuter.than cute
Jenny O'Driscoll
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Izzy Lawlor
Merlette Taniguchi
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Sebastian Bravo Vega
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Moni Matancillas
Rob Heeyun Yang
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Bronte Ward OMG!!!!
Bronte Ward
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Damn!! hahaha so cute!
Isabelle Andersson
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Rikard Björklund Malin Fredriksson Lika duktig som agge att köra barnvagn!
Rikard Björklund
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jämför du min förstfödde son med en mops? Isabelle Andersson
Isabelle Andersson
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Rikard Björklund det är bara positivt!
April Rose Nobleza
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Absolutely! as they say “You own a dog; you feed a cat” –
Brittney Rosemary
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Stephen Buchanan
Stephen Buchanan
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Lol too cute
Silvia Vagová
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Iwory Da Illest
Iwory Da Illest
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To je moc
Susanne Sannicandro DeBaggis
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jenny you are a scream!!!elaine
Ben Berry
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Pugs are smart…
Riro de Niro
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Judy Vetter
Riro de Niro
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Judy Vetter
Sonia Querin
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Nelson Eduardo Hernandez Florez
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Sofía Johanna
Angelique Marques
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Ah so swedt too cute for words
Sergio Mayorga Damas
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Louie Anne
Natalie Hammond
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Bobbie Hamlin
Briana Bandicoot
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Chris Lee
Donna Thomas
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good one
Gillian Baines
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Catherine Baines
Lauren Craik
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Clare Amrani Katie-Marie Brownlow Sam Rhodes
Sam Rhodes
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Oh gosh!!!
Lauren Craik
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Shane Elite-Wc Horsted show olivia this
Laura Mitchell
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Tracey Tink Tinkler
Lorett Gray
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Frank Anderson
Faye Mitchell
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Molly Cross
Molly Cross
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Hahahaha this is so funny
Kathleen Haldeman
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so cute