Defiant Husky Told To Get In His Kennel, Uses English To Talk Back

It’s bad enough when the kids learn how to talk back to you, but when the family dog learns how to push back, OH BOY! This video shows that even the strongest parent will secretly melt when trying to get this furry one to obey.

Brian, a handsome Siberian Husky with signature deep blue eyes, is repeatedly asked by his guardian to “Go in your house”. However, Brian is not in the mood to retreat to his doghouse right now, so he responds with a clear and resounding “No.” He is so clear in responding to this direct request (complete with wagging tail), it makes one wonder if Brian has a complete vocabulary to express himself.

Known to be one of the canine world’s most talkative breeds, Siberian Huskies no doubt developed their voices when having to pull sleds through the frigid climates of the northern hemisphere.

For kids who talk back to their parents, they will get a quick trip to the “doghouse,” but for Brian the talking Husky, it’s clear that he is going to stay right there on that comfy couch!

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