Brilliant Siberian Husky Stages A Prison Break – And Leaves No Canine Behind

Anyone who has ever taken their animal to the veterinarian will tell you, it’s no fun for their furry friend. Even if your pet is healthy, a trip to the doctor isn’t usually cause for excitement.

The anxiety of a vet trip is only furthered if your pet has to stay overnight. Animals have no way of knowing that you’ll ever return to pick them up, so they can resort to some pretty drastic measures in an attempt to get back to you.

When this Siberian husky was spending the night at a vet in China, he wasn’t having it. Video captured the moment he decided he couldn’t stand being stuck in his crate anymore, and the moves he pulled to escape were nothing short of genius.

A Siberian husky was staying overnight at the vet in China recently when he decided he’d had enough…


He attempted to break out of his cage using only one tool — his teeth!


A prison break for himself wasn’t all he had planned. Watch as the entire plan comes together on camera!

What a clever dog! Nothing could have stopped him from getting out!

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86 thoughts on “Brilliant Siberian Husky Stages A Prison Break – And Leaves No Canine Behind

  1. There are plenty of huskies in rescue centres we got our Malamute from a rescue centre, it has take us a while for us to gain his trust and for him to realise he was at last safe and this was his forever home (we were his 5th humans and he was less than a year old) they are sneaky, underhanded and quick thieves lol they need loads of exercise. If you like running or biking they are great companions a guy not far from us has a special harness for his bike it looks great fun.

  2. well Justice if it’s your first dog I suggest you to take a pure breed siberian husky, who is LOF because for a first dog the first months are the most importants for the education (even if it’s all the time and every day of his life you’ll have to “teach” him/her). With a pure breed from a good breeder who loves his huskys and take care of them, you will have a husky with a good comportement, which is essential. Then of course all dogs have their comportement and it depends a lot on the education you’ll gave him/her. But lots of time dogs from rescue can be aggressive, have some serious problems about some things (it can be kids, man, others dogs, etc etc because of bad treatments in their first months etc) and even if you find a dog who seems to have not so much bad comportement, most of time it’s not pure breed, so it’s even more difficult to know what are their caracteristics because for example if it’s a malamute and border coller mix or i don’t know husky and german sherperd, it can be very different than a pure breed dog (100% german sheperd, or 100% husky, 100% malamute etc etc). Every dog is different and has is own comportement, but it’s important with a first dog to know what to expect from your dog : like for a husky, you know the caracteristics of this breed and so you will educate him/her with this idea in your head (example : you know huskys needs lots and lots of exercices, every day of their life, they can run away, they are generally very social with people etc etc). If it’s mixed, it can be “different” but still an awesome comportement (because also of your education months after months). But he will still have some comportements from the first months or years without you and so if you take one in rescue center you will have to be really carefull. I know lots of people who have dog from rescue who are adorable their dog never do something wrong but some other cool people with also great intentions have lots of difficulties with rescue dogs because they become aggressive due to beat in their first ages etc etc so both are great but for a breed as particulary as siberian husky (or malamute) I suggest you to go to a pure breeder.

  3. Patricia Lee O’Dell great you did an awesome job with your mala 🙂 For the harness, I guess you ‘re talking about this : it’s “x back harness”, it’s the best for your mala (or others huskies etc) because the “pull point” is just before the tail and it’s the most horizontal. Lots of people use “K9 style harness”, with the attach point on the front of the back. It’s the best way to “deform” the back of your dog. And of course x back are the best to let your dog pull you/your skis/your vtt etc. I’m sure their are plenty of x back harness on us website 😉 .

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